Training sessions 28 February 2011

Time to increase time on the saddle. We will keep the weights but lets going to step up the weights to 8-10reps:
1xweight session  1x3h hilly ride (if unable to go to surrey you can do kingsto hill in richmond) 1x4h more flat kind of ride. If you’ve got problems with the time, let me know.

Coach Fran

Week 3: Training Plan

Your work outs for the week:
Mon 5 july  swim as 200m wu/2x500m as 500 race pace (30) 500 easy/200m
30mins easy run
Tues 6 july  outdoor bike ride as kingston hill repeats: 1lap to the park easy then 5 hard climbs recovering on the downhill.
Wed 7 july  1h 30min race pace run (keep the form)
Thurs 8 july  if you’re very tired from tues and wed take it off, if you’re ok 30mins easy swim
Frid 9 july  45mins hard run as 10min wu/ 30min faster than race pace/ 5min cd
Sat 10 july  off
Sun 11 july 3h bike ride (race pace as much as you can although use first 20-30mins as and easy spin)

Week 5and 4: Training plan

As we have agreed, priority to the run and then do as much as you can or you feel:

Mon 21 june off

Tues 22 june  2h 50mins run at race pace

Wed 23 june  3k swim as 1k slow/1k race pace/1k slow  (1min rest)

Thurs 24 june  6h bike ride+15min brick run race pace.

Frid 25, Sat 26, Sun 27 june off

Mon 28 june run 25mins easy/1h race pace/20mins easy

Tues 29 june  swim intervals as wu 200m/ ms 20×100 fast (30secs) try to keep good form/ 200m cd

Wed 30 june  bike ride intervals as 1h easy spin/1h aero riding as close as you can at 85% MHR/30mins moderate/30mins easy

Thurs 1, Fri 2, Sat 3, Sun 4 july off

First 2.5 hour run, 4km swim and 5 hour bike ride

I was looking forward to this weeks training as I was starting to train the bigger distances and I wanted to know if my body would remain pain free.

The run was first and, as it is my weakest discipline, I was not sure how the legs would cope. I finished a day of work and raced home to start running. I think working all day and not eating well at work can make the run difficult because my energy levels are lower.

In the first 1.15 hours I focussed on keeping a race pace to avoid my hamstrings getting tight early in the run. I ran from Putney to Ealing Broadway and felt good. The outside of my knees were getting tight but I kept the pace going and my legs were  not getting worse.

I was feeling good with 10mins left to run so I started to run faster. This was a big mistake as a muscle in my right foot cramped. It felt like tearing in my foot and I was concerned it was my plantarfascia. I slowed right down and kept a slow jog to see if it would wear off. It lessened enough for me to hobble home and I wanted to make sure there would be no long term problems. Being a physiotherapist has it benefits at times like this and when I assessed it I could see it was only a muscle cramp as I first thought. With Massage and rest it would ease out completely. The next long run is next week and I plan to take it slow all the way home.

The swim was at the Lido pool in Tooting Bec. I chose to swim here because it was 90 metres long and I could wear my wetsuit in the pool. I trained at the end of a days work and was tired getting into the pool. I also had to rush to get there before it closed and it was not ideal mentally or physically to train in this state.

I got in the pool and it was cold. I had 44 lengths to swim and even though I had a wetsuit on I could feel the cold right through it. To make 44 lengths mentally smaller I counted the first 4 lengths down to zero and then divided the last 40 laps into 4 sets of 10 laps.

I was swimming slowly and I wanted to feel relaxed and focus on my technique. Other swimmers were passing me and it was really disappointing but I stuck to my plan. By the 34th lap I was feeling the cold and I did not kick much to save cramping in my legs. I finished the 44 laps in 1.26 hours. I called Emile my swim coach as this was much slower than I anticipated. He said it was a good time and he could check my technique and work on kicking more to help me go faster. There is still time to improve my swim time with 5 weeks to go before the Ironman. The wetsuit rubbed excessively on the back of my neck and left skin abrasions. I have put savlon healing cream on the damaged skin and hope it heals fast before my next swim. I have Glide to put on my skin in the next swim. This helps reduce friction with the wetsuit.

Today I rode 5 hours and then ran 30mins. Got lost heading to Windsor and back to London but got there in the end. The last 1 hour was tiring and I could feel my legs were aching. The run went well and I had energy after finishing so I was happy. I kept a slow pace throughout the ride and this allowed me to complete the entire ride comfortably.

The discipline that causes me the most pain is the running. I will see next week how my legs cope with a 3 hour run. I am still enjoying the training and the enormity of the race still is in the back of my mind.

Week 6 Training plan

Email from coach Fran..

Good ride today, but remember that it was harder than race pace and I was pulling you all the time. Good effort though.
This is going to hard week so you will have two days off:

Mon 14 june: 45mins easy run

Tues 15 june: turbo session as 20min easy 90RPM/20mins hard at 60RPM/20mins easy at 90RPM

Wed 16 june: 2h 30mins race pace run (hydrate and eat)

Thurs 17 june: off

Fri 18 june: 4k swim at the Lido (with wetsuit)

Sat 19 june: off

Sun 20 june: 5h bike ride. Most of it race pace although after 2h or so if you arent taking any hills accelerate for 15-20mins and try to keep the high speed. Don’t do more than 3 of those. 30mins brick run off the bike.

Week 11 and 10 Training schedule

Email from coach Fran:

I am sending you sessions all the way until the 23 that’s the race day. As you’re going on the 21 you will need to do some short work outs saturday there.

I’m back the 18 so I will be available for chat or meet up before you go.

Mon 10 may: swim at least 10mins with wetsuit in the pool just to start getting the feeling. Without the suit now 3x100m moderate (10) 200m fast (30) 300m easy/ 200m cd

Tues 11 may: Richmond Park bike hill repeat. Remember how many did you do last time? Try to do only one more climb!
3k brick run really fast (faster than race pace) You must do this brick session above your anaerobic thresold (85-90% MHR)

Wed 12 may: 1h 10min race pace run: after a 10min wu, try to keep for an hour your race pace.

Thurs 13 may: wetsuit swim. If you can’t do it today, then do it on sat and take today off. As I don’t know Lido distance do as follows: 10mins wu/ 2x10mins race pace/ 10mins moderate. Try not to rest between and practice navigation.

Frid 14 may: run as 10mins easy/ 8x400m fast (90% MHR)/ 8x400m recovery in between/ 5mins cd

Sat 15 may: off or thurs swim

Sun 16 may: 1h 30mins easy bike ride, low gear/high cadence

Mon 17 may: T1 practice (either outdoor or indoor) swim 2x15min with wetsuit at race pace, get off the water, parctice suit removal, run to the bike and ride for 20mins spinning your legs.

Tues 18 may: 1h outdoor bike ride to Richmond+2k brick run faster than your race pace

Wed 19 may: Active recovery session 40min X-trainer moderate+15min full body strecth

Thurs 20 may: day off, perfect for visualization, prepare gear, relaxing, try not to have many clients either.

Frid 21 may: travelling

Sat 22 may: go for a short swim (10-15mins) at the time you will start tomorrow if possible in the same place you will start the swim (ask when you register). Later in the afternoon do the same with the bike (no more than 40min) and run (just 20min)
With all of them, try some accelerations to pace race, keep it for a few minutes and then easy back.

Sun 23 may: race day. Follow the plan we’ve built and stick to it. Enjoy and have fun, today it’s a training session only.

In this last week (17 to 22) you will carbo load: increase the amount of low GI carbs on all your meals although use your common sense and don’t get to over loaded. Any questions regarding this give me a call, I’m here until thursday the 13.


Week 12 training schedule

Email from coach Fran
Three weeks to go Rhys, it is time to get sharp. If your legs are getting tight form the runs you need to let me know right away as I want you to do most of the sessions at race pace. Remember anyway that Marazion is a “B” race so it’s more to gain experience and practice pacing, T1, T2 and nutrition.

Mon 3 may: swim as 200m wu 10x100m (30sec) at race pace (try to keep same time for them all) 300m cd

Tues 4 may: 1h outdoor bike ride at race pace (2 and half laps to Richmond approx.) and 30mins run off the bike at race pace. Push on the run!

Wed 5 may: 1h 30min easy run (run with strong core and relaxed shoulders, pace yourself and practice some gels and hydration)

Thurs 6 may: repeat mon 3 swim

Frid 7may: 45mins race pace run. If legs are tired do turbo session as 15mins wu/ ms 15min at 70% MHR, 10mins 80% MHR and 5mins 90% MHR/ 15mins cd

Sat 8 may: off

Sun 9 may: 2h fast ride in zone 4 HR