Physical Edge attends Jenny McConnell Course in Tunbridge Wells

Physical Edge sent Rhys Chong to Tunbridge Wells, to attend the Jenny McConnell  2013 edition of gait analysis and lower limb course. Jenny is a world leader in the treatment of knee pain and based in Sydney, Australia (

Jenny McConnell believes in the KISS principle. She has identified common gait analysis issues over many years of practice,  and can provide evidence from scientific research to support her ideologies. She keeps the work her clients do at home to 5mins per day and knows “little and often” is the key to success. In her practice in Sydney, she works on a managing pain over a clients life time. It is like having an MOT for your car. She has MOT’s for the body and prevents pain before it happens.

The course looked at how the entire body compensates for dysfunction in the movement system. The hips are an area which is not treated well, and it was highlighted on the course. The course looked at the role of orthotics and shoes in supporting the body. McConnell has a new orthotic for high heeled shoes and sandles, a much needed invention (right ladies).

Physical Edge will be introducing orthotic prescription as an addition to its services. There will be MOT sessions to help people manage pain over their lifetime.  Physical Edge hopes to build strong relationships with clients, by learning over the long term how to help clients live healthy and painfree lives.

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