Foods I eat that take away energy

In my first step of the Thrive in 30 days I am to list the foods I eat regularly which I think take away energy from me. The list is below:

Meats: Chicken, Turkey, bacon, pork

carbohydrates: Prêt sandwiches, Prêt soups, Rice (too much), processed buns, Chocolate, cakes, pasta, cream, soft drinks

Take away foods: Kebabs, Burgers, subway, chinese, coke

Processed food: gym protein bars, ice cream

I tend to eat a lot of food at once and eat heavily late at night.

In the next week I will try to eat smaller regular meals, drink alkalised water, look to learn about juices and see if my juicer is working and start juicing, I will add 1 big salad to my diet each day.